Monday, September 13, 2010

Cousins everywhere!:)

I recently photographed a couple of my cousins kiddos!:)  They have great families and It was good to catch up a little!  If any of you know me I have probably enough cousins to fill an aircraft carrier so we do not get together as much as we should.  If we did my poor aunt Mary would have to thaw everything in her freezer:) LOL

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I adore this girl! From Her 3 year old little diva expressions to her grown up looks for senior cuts she is still the sweetest thing you ever laid your eyes on!!:)  I was glad to get to see her and her family while in charleston , south carolina this summer!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

~Diamonds and Pearls~

Happy Valentines Day!  My Diamonds and Pearls Special is starting this week and I am happy to say I really think that this is a special once in a lifetime gift for your spouse. Who knows? I may put some pearls on Davis too!:)lol  He would be really cute!  Maybe a cowboy hat and boots with pearls??? lol Shhhh DO NOT TELL JOE!:)  So I am getting off the subject.  Call me this week if you would like to discuss how to start this special out! 

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Sneak Peak for Nichole and Scott!

I am going to keep up with this blog this year if it kills me!!!LOL Hopefully everyone will get a little bit of a sneak peak from here.