Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Its a rainy day in the neighborhood...

Rain rain go away and come again another day! Rain makes me sick...literally... I am losing my voice this week (which by the way my children love it way tooo much!) hopefully it will not totally go. This is my last week of christmas pics and i need my voice!lol Just wanted to drop a few lines and favorite pics this last week!!! Tammy and her wonderful family. What can i say but thank you for letting me photograph you all. I have known Tammy and her family just about all of my life and love her to death. Thanks again guys! This one is of Bri and her baby boy! He is the happiest baby in the free world! Again way too easy. The last is Brady and the sweetest thing you could meet! I hope he comes back for more pics when it is not just christmas. He and his older brother were way too easy to photograph! I will try and post more later!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Babies-Babies everywhere!!!!

Today I babysat for Rilee and was able to pack pictures and do this blog! Very proud of myself!! Rilee and Davis have had so much fun today! Between naps, poopy and peepee diapers, eating and laughing it was a very fullfilling day. Did I spell that right?